Hee recently after watching the Reviver of X Japan, (my Favourite Jrock band is Back!!!), I decided to really learn my guitar properly once and for all. Actually wanted to go learn it in perth, but some how i can't find a place to learn... maybe i dunno the city well enough lol.
So what i did was to do a search on the website and some how i came across this website Justin Guitar. Did some reading on the website and found out it was quite interesting (Well the free guitar lesson actually caught my eye lol) so i took my guitar out to start my first lesson...
Guitar was out of tune... fine need to tune, so i took out my tuner and started to tune the guitar.... when i started to tune my 1st string (E string) the meter keep jumping.. so i keep tightening it... tighten and tighten... then to my worst expectation... it broke... #@$% now i have to buy a new set of strings.
Fine so i head down to the "nearby" music store a week later (cause was rushing assignment) got my set of D'Addario EJ16 strings. Was so happy, couldn't wait to put them on my guitar. Took me 1 hour to put those strings as it was my first time...
All string were in.. ho ho ho. Time to tune them again. So when i reach the first string (usually i start from the 6th string on the top). the sound didn't come out wat the meter wanted, so tighten and tighten.... @$%# it BROKE AGAIN!!!!
Now i am very piss off, almost wanted to throw the tuner away. So this time i decided to get the strings on Ebay... found the same set and it was $1 cheaper including shipping lol. Bought it.. and had to wait another week.
Finally it came last week... this time i was extra careful in putting the string. slowly i wind it... ho ho lucky this time i got what i wanted and yesh it is nicely sitting on my guitar now.
Yeah so now i am on my way to Rock stardom... well just starting to learn... manage to learn the D, A and E strings... heehee
Moral of the story.... When u feel like its going to break... it is going to break... stop and take 1 step back to look at the situation before proceeding.