Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Looking back at year 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Scrap book for Adeline
Good Bye Vishnu
Well the first housemate in my house who left perth for gd, Vishnu.... Housemate, Classmate and Gd friend. Well it was quite sudden and was still in shock (at that pt of time) that he is going off. We had lots of fun in the house and the pass 2yrs as classmates. Being Singaporean, you can understand each other better, making all those lame and crappy jokes. Makes me feel back home again.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Operation DND (Dump and Drive off)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Up and down week...
Firstly i had a call on Monday (10/11), it was a miss call and i called back, found out that a company had called me up for interview, but the lady was not free at the time i called back, so waited till tuesday to recieve the call to make an interview appointment. Arranged to have the appointment on Thursday. I was so happy as it was my first interview since i graduated in middle of the year, so i was quite excited.
Went home, told my housemates about it, Then suddentely vishnu told me that he is planning to leave for Canberra by end of the month. It was a bit sudden to me, but still not that bad. He also offer to drive me down to my interview as it was quite a far away location up north after the domestic airport.
Wed, i was getting all excited about my interview the next day... decided to finish work a 2hrs earlier to head home to prepare for my interview. That evening as i was at home talking to alvin about some advice i got from my friend, vishnu suddentely came out and told us that he is leaving on the coming tuesdays, everything is confirmed... he had just bought his tickets arrange for shipping his stuffs, etc
This all came too sudden for me, i have to admit i was in shock. Now i got some headaches to worry about, like rental (dun think the owner will let 1 person stay in the house paying 1 person rent) finding a new house etc. I told vishnu to call up the agent at least and inform her, and see she allows or not.
Thursday, Went for my interview, it went ok. But i am not too keen in this company, i found out its mainly a man job cause there is only 1 guy in the team currently and i will be taking over his job and he can concentrate on the business side of the company. The stuffs there are quite mess up, end of the day i felt its a 1 man show... i even ask Ben for advice since he is in the line... he also told me if its 1 person... better not take it.
Friday, i actually got a miss call after work on the bus, happen to be sleeping didn't pick up the phone.... after listerning to the voice mail... the person spoke a bit too fast, but i think she is from another company which i applied for a position a bit later on. Now i am excited as when monday comes i will call her up and make an interview date with her.
Over all this has been quite a shocking week. I feel happy that finally got ppl calling me up for interview. But i am also sad at the moment cause my housemate and 3yrs classmate Vishnu is finally leaving the gang to start a new life in Canberra, I feel happy for him, but its going to be sad without him around in the house, less then 2weeks later alvin would be gone also which left me. Our gang of 4 has finally split up liao. Anyway all the best to Vishnu, Gary and Alvin in their future.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
WTF.. Got Chased out of the Shop.... (Part 2)
Decided to write part 2 now, cause i did call my manager back in the later afternoon.
He told me there was some mis-communication and he saw the roaster on the wall and say that was the old 1. I apoligise to him for making a big fuse in the morning (he wasn't around btw cause he was doing afternoon shift) he say its ok as it is not my fault. So i ask him am i suppose to work tomorrow (Friday) he say yes... come in at the same time. and i also asked if i can work on sat since i didn't get to work today (Which again is not i dun want to work... but the fact i was chased out of the shop). he checked his schedule and say its fine, will let me come work on sat for 4 to 5hrs. That is gd enough for me... even if he can't give me my full hrs shift (Cause sat is 1.25 rate) and also can earn a bit of money to cover for this week's expenses.
Anyway end of the day... i am just not happy with how some ppl handle this type of situation (not saying i did handle it well) i should had maintain my cool... but because this is not the first time... i dun see a reason y i should still act like nothing happen.... Tomorrow morning will see "her" again.... most likely i wouldn't even bother speaking to her and just do my work which my manager instructed me to do.. since he is the 1 who employed me....
WTF.. Got Chased out of the Shop....
I got up at 5.30 usual and head for work starting at 7am
When i reach my work place, the so call "acting manager" asked me am i suppose to work today as the paper printed out does not have my name on it for the day.
I told her nicely that i spoke to the manager on monday and he has put me down on all the days except wednesday and he showed it to me on the computer that he put it down. the reason y the paper doesn't have my days on it is because it was printed out on sunday, which i called in to ask my shift and he told me to come down monday to work and arrange the rest of the week with me during work on monday.
So i carry on put my stuffs in the locker, walk to my trolley and started filling stuffs up.... then suddently she called me to the office and told me i am not suppose to work today.... then i ask her how come.... she say she called up the manager and manager say i am not working. So i was suprise and say i would call the manager up and ask. This is where all the crap come in liao....
She Dun allow me to call the manager and told me manager say no means no and ask me to pack my stuffs up and go home. I was like wtf.... y i cannot speak to the manager since he already put me down. then she start to explain shit about money in the shop maybe not enough to pay my salary if i work today, etc... and all this was in a very bad tone. Technically i was chased out of the shop
So once out of the shop i gave my manager a call, then i explain to him that he told me work on thursday.... cause i did ask again on tuesday before he left and he say he see me on thursday. then he told me he didn't know i was already in the shop as the "acting manager" didn't mention about that. he told me go back to the shop to work its ok.... and would call and tell the "acting manager". I was already in a very piss off stage (taking that i bang the back door on my way out) i told him, screw it, i not working today or at least in the morning with this "acting manager", if he needs me in the afternoon i will come back to work.
Maybe i am "new" to the working world... but i have never met someone so unflexible during work.... and if manager tell me straight in the face i not working, i am fine with it, but not letting me call the manager in the shop and chasing me out of the shop is what that pissed me off. I believe i have the right to ask my manager since he was the 1 planning the shifts and i was at that pt of time in front of him when he wrote it down in the computer.
Personally i have no problem with anyone in the shop other then this "acting manager". If not because i need cash to survive on my rental and utilites... i would most likely quit on the spot... but then again.. because of 1 black sheep... not worth quiting also.
Some ppl have to learn to be a bit polite and if i was told properly and allowed to make that phone call to clarified... i would be happy to just walk out of the shop and go home and enjoy the rest of my day... but no.... some ppl just like to throw their weight around because they got the power... HELLO.... this is not the army...
Oh well, i am going to just relex for the day play my new game (Disegea 3) and call the shop later to confirm if i have work tomorrow....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tax Returns... FINALLY done Properly
this is what happen... 2 mths ago just before i went back to sg for holidays... i found out i got over tax... the company was suppose to tax me 13% to 17% but instead they tax me over 30%
I told my manager and he ask me send my tax declaration form again. Fine i fill it up and gave it to him.... and he send it in.
when i came back from sg and started to work... to my horror... the bloody tax is still done wrongly.... i earn $300 but i got tax $91.... that is like 1/3 of my paid gone to tax. So i confront my manager again... and he gave me the same thing "Oh u will still get it back during the next tax return yr" HELLO!! the financial yr for 2007-2008 just ended.... its in july... i have to wait a bloody 1 yr then i can get back my money??? somemore if earn more then $6000 i won't get back everything also... Was really bullshit... but never i did wat he say.. fill the paper again...
Then he goes for his 2 weeks holiday... and within those 2 weeks... i got paid 2 times.... all tax very high... this time was like $200 for $600+ of paid... damn total of $400 gone into the tax return pocket.... making me a bit poorer.
So this week i finally decided that i will tell my manager when he gets back... if he doesn't solve for me on the spot... i am not going to work until its solve.... wats the pt of working so much when u get tax so much. If my supposed tax is 30% i will accept that... but bloody hell the company made a mistake and i get tax more... this is something i cannot accept....
I have to be frank... a lot of aussies really not efficient.... my citibank acc is another story which i will post another time about it.
Anyway saw my pay slip today... finally a proper tax of $91 for $600+ paid.... see the difference? its a lot....
Monday, August 25, 2008
Another Clip For "God knows"
Found this on youtube... its the live version... she sounds a bit shaky... but still its a gd song. nice effort
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Caon In D... Rock Version
Suddentely watched this clip again, seen it before a long time ago, but i still like the song in rock. The guy played very well, i think he is the original person to make this into rock.... not too sure. but anyway enjoy (its quite noisy so not for thsoe who like clasical lol)
Lol more Canon in D... this is done by a gal... actually not sure is she a gal or a guy, cause i know there is this japanese guy who likes to dress up as a gal but play very gd guitar.
The final 1 is played by 75 people... actually not so many some are the same person just take at a different timing. but still gd
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Playstation 3
Ok firstly 80GB is kind of pharse out until recently the MGS4 release in usa they bunddle with it. (that is 1 of the reason y we can't find a 80gb for mths, cause sony kept all the stock to sell it to america). Secondly, the 80/60GB models all running on 90mm technology for their processor, but the 40GB is running on the 65mm technology. So this means the 40GB is much cooler compare to the 90mm and overheating would not be much of a problem. No card reader? so? would u be using it a lot? just get a usb card reader and plug it in... problem solved. no additional 2 more usb ports? Why u need so many USB ports? even the controllers are running on bluetooth. the only time u need it is for rock band maybe. but anyway a USB Hub would do the job.
Biggest argument of all, no PS2 backward compatibility. Come on. how many of you guys actually owns a big library of Original PS2 games. close to none for most Singaporeans (most not all, sure got ppl willing to part with their money). And even if u get the console with PS2 BC, but ur games are all pal games... sorry dude, its region locked so you are stuck with ntsc/j or ntsc/uc if you buy local SG set. And it would be better and cheaper to get a seperated ps2 console cause it is cheap and it won't spoilt ur PS3 blueray lens which are very sensitive.
Reviewing on the Playstaion 3
Well its a wonder gadget, the Cell Processor is way more powerful then the intel dual or quad cores. Graphics are excellent, but haven't reach full potential of what PS3 can do, looks like no developer can hit that level yet with the current technologies. Game wise, there are not many titles out yet, but at least the popular ones are out (GTA 4, DMC 4 and MGS 4). But the games of the next generation console are really good to play, the first game i ever complete in yrs was Metal Gear Solid 4 and it marks the first game I completed on PS3 (thought it would had been battlefield cause i played a lot since day 1 before i got MGS4)
As a multimedia device, its excellent. can play blueray, DVD, Divx, xmid, mp3, etc. thats a lot of things it can play. I can even set up streaming on my pc with the ps3 so i can just watch my movies within the network without copying it into the ps3
Overall this is a wonderful console, never regreted it. It just need sometime before it trashes XBOX 360 and the Wii. The Playstation 3 is designed to last 10yrs.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Guitar Strings....
Hee recently after watching the Reviver of X Japan, (my Favourite Jrock band is Back!!!), I decided to really learn my guitar properly once and for all. Actually wanted to go learn it in perth, but some how i can't find a place to learn... maybe i dunno the city well enough lol.
So what i did was to do a search on the website and some how i came across this website Justin Guitar. Did some reading on the website and found out it was quite interesting (Well the free guitar lesson actually caught my eye lol) so i took my guitar out to start my first lesson...
Guitar was out of tune... fine need to tune, so i took out my tuner and started to tune the guitar.... when i started to tune my 1st string (E string) the meter keep jumping.. so i keep tightening it... tighten and tighten... then to my worst expectation... it broke... #@$% now i have to buy a new set of strings.
Fine so i head down to the "nearby" music store a week later (cause was rushing assignment) got my set of D'Addario EJ16 strings. Was so happy, couldn't wait to put them on my guitar. Took me 1 hour to put those strings as it was my first time...
All string were in.. ho ho ho. Time to tune them again. So when i reach the first string (usually i start from the 6th string on the top). the sound didn't come out wat the meter wanted, so tighten and tighten.... @$%# it BROKE AGAIN!!!!
Now i am very piss off, almost wanted to throw the tuner away. So this time i decided to get the strings on Ebay... found the same set and it was $1 cheaper including shipping lol. Bought it.. and had to wait another week.
Finally it came last week... this time i was extra careful in putting the string. slowly i wind it... ho ho lucky this time i got what i wanted and yesh it is nicely sitting on my guitar now.
Yeah so now i am on my way to Rock stardom... well just starting to learn... manage to learn the D, A and E strings... heehee
Moral of the story.... When u feel like its going to break... it is going to break... stop and take 1 step back to look at the situation before proceeding.
Good Bye Terry
Meet up at 8.30pm on 25/5/08 outside of the Crazy Clark back entrance, i was the earliest and decided to head over to the resting area at the train station to wait for them to pop up. Patrick and Deb appeared at around 8.20pm and i went over to meet up with them. later we head down to meet up with Josh and Tom outside taka.... Apperently Terry was late and we had to wait for some time.
We were suppose to head to some pub, but it has a private function, so we headed to Paramount which was in Northbridge.
Well the night was fun, we had a couple of drinks... well terry treated us most of the drinks as the night before he won $100 from the casino.
The best part of the night was when all of us had a shot of vodka. This was my first time, an i remember patrick was telling to Lick the salt first... drink the shot... then suck the lemon. so the procedure was Lick, drink, suck. It was funny all of us got ready in 1 line.... on the count of 3... Pat would shout out the commands to do the procedure. it was quite an experience heehee
Around 11.30 we went into the disco to dance a bit (yesh i did dance, first time dancing at the disco floor, but it was fun lol)
Well by 12.15 i guess pat, deb, terry and his gf was very tired already and they head home. Me, josh and tom also decided to leave and i was at the taxi stand waiting. hee some of the gals there were singing some song which i have no idea wat it was.
Well it was a gd night, Farewell Terry. It was great knowing you and working with you for a short 2 mths, but you are like a old friend of mine. Well if u ever come to perth again, do give me a ring to catch up on stuffs.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
God knows collaborated video
Haven't been posting for quite sometime... just a youtube clip that Ben shown me... quite nice, all done individual and collaborated on video. Ben say he likes the "girl's" tights.... lol but actually i think she is a He lol
This is another collaboration with a bigger group
Enjoy will update again shortly!!
Friday, April 04, 2008
First Day Being a Butcher lol

The shop was very busy at certain timing, is like they all decided to come at 1 time or something. So i had to chop chicken wings and serve customers at the same time. It was lots of work, but quite interesting, i manage to learn a lot of stuffs. but still a long way from becoming a professional butcher lol.

After finish washing, the butchers went back after a long day of work. but we at the front store will stay till 6.30pm. By 6pm we would start packing stuffs..... and 6.30pm everything will be done. A guy will come in around maybe 5pm to start cleaning up the back again to make it better. When the shop is fully close, i would go take a bath in the toilet since the house has not much water due to the fact that it hasn't rain for a long time (its on a farm, rain water is more or less the source of water in the house).
I think i reach home around 7.45 to 8pm had dinner with my uncles and cousins, had some chat on mussuels since we were having that for dinner. There was lots of meat, i try to avoid most of them cause some how my diet change and i can't eat a lot of meat at 1 go.... trust me its a lot lol.
Well thats my first day at the butchery, tomorrow i am also working, heard its going to be damn busy. maybe i should sleep earlier tonight.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
NZ Auckland!!
Well my mom found out my 6th auntie is lacking of manpower for her 2 butcher shop, so asked me to go over to help my auntie. It was a very last min request which was on sunday and by tuesday i bought my airplane tickets and flew over on wed night. Lucky I manage to get Adeline to give me a lift to the airport with Li Shan also. The flight was delayed a bit and we had some coffee before i board the plane, I was happy cause this is the first time i got 2 gals sending me off haha. Usually i send ppl off, so rarely got ppl send me off at the airport cause i was always the latest to go back.
Flight to Brisbane was only 4hrs but because of the time difference of 2 hrs. i left perth at 12mn and i reach brisbane at 6am (brisbane timing). Then there was a transiting period, i had to wait for 4hrs before my next plane at 10am to fly to Auckland, NZ. I reach NZ at 4pm NZ timing cause there was another 3hrs difference from Brisbane... the flight was only 3hrs
My 2nd uncle came to pick me up at the airport and i get to sit on his mercs car... not sure what model it is, but its more of the sporty type lol. He drop me off at my auntie's butcher shop, then i started learning a bit of wat to do and help closed the shop. Heehee, i am on my way to being a certified butcher (lol adeline was saying she can't believe me being a butcher).
At the house i got to know my cousins again, i think we are all shy cause so long never met each other .... i think they can't remember me. Well i think for now Anita is the only 1 that talks to me more.
I will update stuffs again hopefully tomorrow so you guys who are my loyal fans would check out my updates in NZ
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Finally!!! A Job!!
I still didn't believe that i got the job untill tuesday morning 7.30am (i work from 7.30am till 3.30pm) when i head to crazy clark and then i started my "musscle job" wow i didn't expect it to be tiring, but well its just like in the army doing sai kang without a sgt there rushing you lol. Time flies very fast soon it was 3.30pm and that was the end of my first day at work.
Suprising is i got a call from kmart on that day and they actually was interested in me and asked me to come down for interview. I applied for the position of night filler, which i heard is from 5.30 to around 10pm. So i went down today morning for the interview, the manager seems happy with me and my response, especially the part when i say kmart always have the latest stuffs and i would introduce my friends to kmart if i see anything new available. For the first time my experience in the army does pay off. The manager was asking me about being trustworthy as the store would be left to us during the night without other ppl around. so i say i did security in base last time for my national service and i would know what is right and wrong and won't do such a mistake as stealing.
well hope i get this kmart job also it would really benefit me since its at night and i can study or sleep till later in the morning. The onli disadvantage now is me getting home after work in kmart. i would have to either walk or take a bus. If its till very late... most likely i have to ask my friends to come pick me up. I hope i can get a car by end of april or may then i won't have much of a problem getting to work in the future heehee
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Update of my life in Perth
I didn't expect Job hunting to be a headache, is not that i didn't try, but i went to a lot of places. I have to admit i am a bit choosy, as i avoid food related job (dun want to get fat and dun want to be a waiter). but somehow no 1 bothers to call me up. The saddest was coles, they email me back stating my visa is less then 1yr, so they can't employ me... wtf its not as if i want to get a perm job with them... its just a casual and i do have working visa. Oh well i will still carry on job hunting hoping someone would call me up to work.
This week i decided to do something that is really unexpected. I decided to upgrade myself and took up and extra course which is Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). Some of my friends think its a waste of time cause they took it before and find it useless. To me it was an aim i wanted to reach years ago and i believe that there is no such thing as waste of time when it comes to enriching yourself. But i have to admit its not as simple as i expected, need to set aside a timetable slot for studying it, cause its online base except for the labs which some requires to do it in sch. My aim is to clear it by end of the sem hopefully. I have come to a point of understanding that just by getting a degree itself is not enough, companies out there would want you if you have experience and extra qualifications like certs and specialty in certain field. Anyway i would be the one laughing if the cert really help me lands a good high paying job lol
Anyway for the latest aim currently:
- Hit 80kg by end of April (might get this by end of march)
- Hit 75kg by end of June
- Get a casual job
- Get my degree
- Get my CCNA
- Get a Car (this might not happen soon since i dun have a job)
- Get a PS3 (crossing fingers on this 1)
- Get a New PC (22in lcd here i come)
- Get a GirlFriend (26 this year.. dun want to be single for another yr, any gals looking for a Boyfriend feel free to drop in your resume at my email lol)
- Get my PR (another money headache $2060)
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Too Fast Too Furious: Bentley Drift!???
The first part was funny, then we had some funny complications after the clip
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Werid Dream
Well the dream ended and yeah its still sunday, 1 week before i go back. But its a truely werid dream. One thing for sure, the dream remined me to bring my jacket back hahaha
Jing Ee (Logan)
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Aims in 2008
- Reduce wait to 85kg by end of April
- Reduce wait to 80kg by end of June
- Getting my Degree
- Getting my PR
- Getting a Casual job from Feb to July
- Getting a Stable job.
- Get a car
- Get my Playstion 3 (PS3)
This are just some of my current goals, the top 6 is the priorety, car and ps3 well if i got additional cash then say haha. Lossing weight is not an easy job, needs lots of disciple, i will keep it up and most likely follow Vishnu to eat vegeterian for a couple of days. Degree is a must since i have been delayed by 6mths which is a lot of money lost. Definetely must get a casual job during my last sem, i have only 1 subject, so shouldn't waste the 20hrs.
As for my stable job, that would come after i get my degree, would most likely relocate to melbourne if there are no job openings for computer system engineering in perth. I am not afraid of going to new grounds, just that have to make new friends all over again lol.
Playstaion 3 is a must haha not really actually, i have started to grow tired of games, but there are still some quality games worth getting, if i get a ps3 most likely its for GTA4, DMC4, MGS4 and FFXIII. Not say i have a lot of cash on hand, but i am willing to spend money on orignals, since the mods for ps3 haven't been advancing much lately lol.
Well i hope the rest of you guys would start setting goals, it makes u work on it and won't slack around much.
Jing Ee (Logan)
Friday, February 01, 2008
Determination to Losing Weight
2008 is something different. Somehow i had the urge to lost weight. It started of when i came back from KL on the 8th of Jan, i decided to go for a swim. Then the next day i went swimming again, until it became a habit of swimming every day. this went on for 2 weeks. Then later i felt as if i didn't manage to lost weight by swimming, so i decided to start jogging. At first was like 3rounds the track which took around 10 to 15mins, then i would jump into the pool for an hr swim. Signs of weight lossing didn't really turn up although my mom says i lost a bit of weight.
Later i started increase my jogging time, making an effort to keep it at 30mins min. whicn makes me run 8 rounds the track which is around 3.2km. After 1 week, results started to show, my mom can tell it. I didn't really feel much but i can tell that my skin is starting to get looser which means fats must have been burn as the skin is being strected it would take some time to make it unstrech.
Decided to buy a digital weighting machine as my old 1 is kind of dodgy, i weight 50kg on it hahaha. Anyway when i was testing out the machine at the store after lunch, damn it i still weight 93kg. I was so demoralise, my mom told me must be the lunch. Then the next day i weight and it drop to 92kg which made me happy. As of today i weighted 90.4kg (well i actually hit 89.9kg yesterday, but somehow dinner gain it back for me)
I am happy that i have some how lost 3 to 4kg this pass 1 mth. My aim is to get below 90kg before i head back to perth. And i have made a determination to jog at least 5 times a week. Or everyday depending on my leg condition. Also have to make an effort to increase the working out hrs, tarket is 60mins of work out by end of march.
Excercise is not everything, food diet is important too. I have been taking replacement meals for breakfast to lunch and onli eat dinner. But of course i know my limit, if i am really hungry i would go eat. I won't starve myself to death.
Well to those who are around my size and want to lost weight, dun wait, just do it. Start now, off your computer and go out for a jog, swim, or even a walk. You guys can read up this site for tips. Burn 300 Calories in 30mins
Jing Ee (Logan)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Unbelievable!! King of all smokes
PLEASEEEE this is the lamest excuse of all. Firstly you know you didn't pay rental, then y the F*** do you have to tell us? Go pay up and things will be settle, telling us is not like we are going to pay for YOU. Secondly, if he can't contact V on msn, call him or drop him an Email and best, my msn is alawys online 24/7 dropping me a msg wouldn't kill.
This shows that this person has no moral and doesn't know how to take responsibility. Lucky i am not his boss or anything, i think i would had sack him on the spot or not even hiring him. How can i put trust in him especially money??
What piss me off is this bugger happy happy smoke out and fly back home without informing anyone i mean ANYONE about this. And wait till someone founds out then come and try cover his half F*** smoke bomb. Now i understand how my 2 friends V and G felt staying with him. This bugger is lucky i wasn't his housemate, if not he would have get my volcano attack. This person thinks he is high up, but personally i dun give a damn. Diaper boy will always be Diaper boy.
I have always been on neutral grounds, but after this, personally i am pissed off. Well anyone who reads this and intends to employ or stay with such a person, think twice, it is not worth ur time and effort.
Anyway things are settled. i hope i would not have to come across such things again.
Jing Ee (Logan)
Happy New year and Chinese New Year
Well this is the year of the Rat, not sure about the horoscopes but i wish everyone good health and a wonderful year ahead. I would make an effort to post more stuffs also hahaha
Jing Ee (Logan)